瑜珈老師 - Phoenix


As a yoga/ spiritual teacher & sound healing practitioner, Phoenix is dedicated to co-creating a more beautiful and harmonious community by inspiring and empowering females to become happier and healthier, stronger yet more resilient through her offerings, infused with a variety of modalities, knowledge and life experiences wholeheartedly, thoughtfully and creatively.

In addition to 200 hours of holistic yoga teacher training, her continuing teacher trainings include Thai yoga therapy, yoga for teenagers and aerial yoga. 

Phoenix starts her sound healing journey from Acutonics levels 1, 2 and 3 (tuning forks), International Academy of Sound Healing level 1 (singing bowls) to Integrative Vibrational Therapy (gongs, singing bowls, drums, Shruti box, rattles, vocal tuning and more).

Her spiritual journey guides her to continuously raise the vibrations for herself and others through various modalities like intuitive cards reading, ThetaHealing, Qigong healing, etc.
Best Kwun Tong Yoga Teacher, Kwun Tong Private Yoga  觀塘瑜珈老師 , 推薦瑜珈老師,私人瑜珈 ,療癒瑜珈 

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